
A Christmas Reminder


GOAL - Gathering Of Apostolic Leaders


Wake Up and Dream

The Biblical character Joseph had dreams of greatness.  His brothers, envious of him and his potential, threw him into a pit in an effort to kill him, thus killing his dreams.  Joseph managed to survive and his story has an amazing ending, because his dreams not only survived, they came to pass!

While it is not likely that anyone will throw you into a pit, the violation against you may be worse.  ‘They’ may have convinced you to throw your own dreams into a pit – to totally discard them.

‘They’ are what I call “dream destroyers.”  ‘They’ can be authority figures in your life who impose their expectations and judgments upon you. ‘They’ can be friends who press you with their opinions and unsolicited comments.  ‘They’ can be the voices of your inner-self, that echo doubt, fears, self-criticism, reminding you of past failures and encouraging you to remain with the comforts of the known.

If your dreams are in the pit, you must recover them now; because to recover your dreams is to recover meaning in your life.  Turn a deaf ear to the dream destroyers.  It is time to bring your dreams into the realm of reality.


I'm Tired!

We are inclined to recognize the value of work; usually because we experience its tangible rewards – like a paycheck at the end of the week.  However, all too often, we don’t know the value of rest, because its reward is subtle and not always so tangible.

Of all that Jesus taught his disciples, His lesson on rest is seldom reiterated.  He imparted this lesson, after his disciples had been working so hard that they didn’t even take the time to eat.  You’ve been there, huh? 

Even though what they were doing was, simply put, supernatural – creating awe and wonder, Jesus brought them back to earth by telling them to take a break and get away.  Actually what He said was “Come apart.”  And that’s exactly what you need to always make time to do, “Come apart” before you come apart.  (Mark 6:30-32)

The Bible says they took a little cruise to a private resort.  Jesus taught these ambitious, hard workers the value of rest.  Actually, it was a lesson He learned from His Father.  You have heard of the Sabbath, haven’t you.

Don’t feel guilty when you slow down to rest.  Rest is not just a good idea.  Rest is a God-idea.


From Misfits to Apostles

Over the past few decades there has been a recovery of the idea of mentors and coaches.  Centuries ago, however, a mentoring relationship was the primary method of learning.  It was this interaction dependence on a trusted counselor that molded character, gave guidance, imparted wisdom and trained in a skill.

Even Solomon, who was renown for his wisdom, had counselors.   He tells us that, “Where there is no wise guidance, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Prov 11:14).  Good advisors make us accountable, help us make wise decisions and set us on the path to success.  When we heed prudent counseling, our vision is sharpened, our plans are realized, our relationships are balanced, and life’s discipline is enhanced.

Solomon’s counsel to us is, “Get all the advice and instruction you can, and be wise the rest of your life” (Prov 19:20).  And for those who balk at the idea of listening to those more experienced, he tells them, “It is a fool who thinks they need no advice” (Prov 12:15), and “their lack of discipline leads to poverty and shame” (Prov 13:18).

There is one mentor I would like to encourage you to consider developing a relationship with.  His moniker is “Wonderful Counselor” and His reputation is unparalleled.  He mentored a team of 12 misfits and turned them into world changers.  He makes his serves available to you with the offer that, if you need wisdom just ask.  He promises to share it generously.  He ready to impart a wisdom for the whole of your life.  His name is Jesus Christ and He’s standing by, waiting on your call.