A Miracle at a Party
I find it somewhat amusing that Jesus’ first miracle is still an issue of debate for His modern day followers – you know, when He changed water into wine. Was it real wine or just a good batch of grape juice? While the pundits are left to ferment on that, let’s focus on the message in the miracle.
Jesus is concerned about the whole of your life: including having success on your job, your emotional well being and your enjoyment of life.
When Jesus healed someone in their body, He was communicating His concerned about our health. When He miraculously gave fisherman the best catch of their professional lives, He was communicating His concern for our career success. When He made the best wine at the party, He was communicating that His concern for us goes well beyond what we define as “spiritual.
Jesus endorses our enjoyment of life. He says repeatedly in the scriptures that He wants us to have joy and for that joy to be “full.”
We tend to compartmentalize our lives, separating the spiritual for our profession, and especially from anything that seems like fun. Jesus shows us time and time again that the spiritual positively influences every aspect of our life, including our joy. He clearly demonstrated, when He changed the water into wine, that miracles are not just for Sunday, and joy is not just for Saturday night. Both are for every day and every part of our lives.
Don’t separate out the spiritual from the other parts your life, because to be truly spiritual is to be joyful, balanced, and successful.
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