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Prayer for the Generations

Good, good Father, in the name of my Lord, Jesus Christ, I thank You that we are entering a season of Kingdom advancement and prosperity.  I thank You for your Word that exposes and reveals the timing and strategies of the enemy.  I lift the shield of faith over my family.  I take the Sword of the Spirit and stand against every assignment of the enemy directed towards me, my family, my health, my finances, my church family and my pastor.  I thank you for giving me a spirit of prayer to defeat this enemy! (Eph 6:14-18)

I repent of anything that is not like You or that does not please You, so that the enemy will have no place in me, nor have any right or authority in my life. (Eph 4:27)  Let Your Holy Spirit fire burn away all iniquity in my life. (Ps 51)

Lord, I ask that you direct me in this battle against these demonic forces.   By Your Holy Spirit You have already given me power over demons.  You have told me to trample on snakes and scorpions. (Luke 10:19) You have assured me that you will deliver this enemy into my hands.  I receive Your battle plans.  I rebuke the spirits of fear and doubt.  And in the name of Jesus Christ, I stand firm in my power and authority! (Eph 3:20)

You have promised that “the seed of the righteous will be delivered” (Prov 11:21), and I stand on that promise.  You have promised to raise up Young Leaders to lead our church into victory (1 Kings 20:14), and I stand with my pastor on that promise.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke the manipulating and intimidating spirit of Jezebel: You cannot inflict poverty and infirmity on us.  I come against every ungodly stronghold.  Spirit of Jezebel, I bind you and cast you out! (Matt 18:18)

I rebuke every spirit of Athaliah that seeks to destroy the godly seed, and rob us of our future and destiny:  You cannot have ___________________ (person’s name).  I stop every plan of the enemy to destroy their lives, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Spirit of Athaliah, I bind you and cast you out! (Matt 18:18)

I speak confusion in the ranks of the enemy. (2 Chron 20:22-23)  I declare that his plans are unraveling, and will not prevail.  Every spirit of witchcraft, GO, NOW!

Now, Lord, I am thankful that You will sustain me and my family.  Good, good Father, give Your angles charge over us. (Ps 91:11-13)  Let Your angels minister supernatural strength to us, for we cannot win this battle in our own strength.  (1 Kings 19:5-8; Heb 1:14) 

I speak the stronghold of peace over my family and my church.  I prophesy the plan of God to prosper my family and my church, to give us a future and a hope! (Jer 29:11) 

In the name of Jesus I am advancing, and defeating the enemy, and every demonic assignment that comes against me, my family and my church.  I declare that the enemy’s plans are crushed like pottery into tiny pieces. 

I speak to the heavens: “Open over us!  Pour out of Your good treasure upon us.  Release the rains!  Showers of Blessing to refresh and renew us.”  

LORD, let Your blood cover and let Your glory be revealed! 

In the name of Jesus Christ!  So let it be!  Amen! 

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